Friday, November 7, 2008

NW Montgomery County Housing Report

This section is dedicated to provide current housing information for North West Montgomery County. This primarily focuses on the surrounding areas of Lake Conroe. Check back for updates and statistics. I will focus on this mls area (area 39) as a whole and also provide details on individual subdivisions surrounding Lake Conroe. Feel free to subscribe to this blog to keep up on your subdivision and home values.

I have created a map for you to see what Houston Association of Realtors, Area 39 includes. This is Northwest Montgomery County. Within this parameter are the historic town of Montgomery, portions of Conroe, Willis, Dobbin and Richards, TX. Area 39 holds the majority of Lake Conroe except for the very north end of the lake. You can also find great properties and land neighboring the National Forest. If you have a love for horses, finding property adjoining the National Forest is awesome! There are hundreds of miles of trails to ride and obviously it is beautiful, peaceful and private.
I hope you find this information helpful! Feel free to join the blog, I would love to hear your comments. If you have some new and exciting information about this area... Post it here!

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